Sunday, October 21, 2007

Costume Renderings 1

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Friday, September 28, 2007

Resource Website

I found a great website all about CB and the gang if you go to you can click on the characters at the bottom. Each one has details on the character, first appearances in the comic strip, all kinds of cool stuff.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Different pics

Just some pictures I found that aren't exactly what you think of when you hear "Peanuts"

The colors they us for Charlie Brown's shirts were really what got me; I'd never seen him in any color but yellow except when he's wearing a coat or pjs.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Here's what our chairs should look like. This one is an ideal: sturdy plastic seats and back with a metal frame. And most of this look are stackable for easy offstage storage.These are second choice styles.

And the third style. These have a tendency to be noisier when they get moved around and when they smack into things. That's my personal high school recollection talking.
Whichever style we ultimately settle on, they can be used and scuffed and showing a some wear. This is a public city school we're talking about here... And color is not important, as long as it's in the subtler color range in which these styles generally come. No neon or florescent colors, please.

Friday, September 14, 2007

"Dear Pen Pal"

So, here it is. This is where we are now regarding the set; specifically, Scene 1. We are still tweaking some color and other minor visuals.

What you see is three rolling walls which will move about and reconfigure from scene to scene. Realistic distressed brick texture on one side. Softer, padded (like the upper columns) on the other. You'll see.



We will have a 5-pod set of these lockers as one of the set pieces in the show. Paul is going to pick them up on Saturday the 15th.

Goth Girl Images - CB's Sister

INTERESTING IDEA - One of the dresses could be pleather?

I love the idea of a veil.